How can I help you?
I have the following services to offer.
Would you like to learn Dutch?
Specifically conversational Dutch, I can help you with this.
For more information, please see the page Learn Dutch.
Would you like to learn to create a design for a database using ERD?
ERD stands for Entity Relationship Diagram and can be used as a first step in designing a database. Please read more about this on the web page Learn ERD.
Would you like to know your capabilities, talents, and tendencies based on Chinese metaphysics Bazi?
According to Chinese metaphysics, we are born with certain talents and tendencies. Certain tendencies lead to certain actions and their outcomes. Of course, what we do in the course of our lives, is up to us. We can choose to consciously act differently and thereby work against our usual habits to come to a different outcome. And we can use our natural born talents and capabilities to flourish in our lives by nurturing these.
Please read more on the page Have your Bazi chart interpreted.
Would you like to learn how to plot and read a Bazi chart?
Instead of having me or someone else read your Bazi chart, you can learn it yourselves! And then use that knowledge to help others understand their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Please read more about this on the web page Learn Bazi Chart Reading Course.
Would you like to have your dog looked after?
If you live in Christchurch in New Zealand, then I can help you to look after your dog. You can either choose doggy daycare which means the dog will not have overnight stays or dog boarding where the dog stays during the day and stays at night with the boarder. For more information, please see the webpage Dog Boarding.