Background story
Since the Coronavirus pandemic started, I have been working remotely.
April 2020, I signed up with some teaching platforms to teach Dutch.
Amongst others were the Preply platform, Fiverr platform and Tutoroo.
I got my students mainly from these two platforms.
Since I have no teaching background, and did not academically study to become a teacher, I learned by doing it. With advice and tips from my partner who is a very experienced teacher, I managed to give lessons to a variety of students from children to adults.
** UPDATE: I’m not actively teaching or accepting students now. Only accepting students who really want to learn and are willing to pay money for it. I have increased my pricing significantly and only will accept those who are more than willing to learn. (20 June 2023)
Reviews students
Alena: “I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Yanling who has helped my 11 years old daughter to gain confidence in speaking language. From the words of my daughter:” After correcting the mistakes as I spoke, and explaining where and why I was wrong, eventually, it has become very natural to produce the sentences with correct structure. This has helped to speak Dutch more confidently without the fear of saying something wrong”.
Tanvir: “Ik heb vijf lessen met Yanling gehad. De lessen waren helemaal interactief en interressant. Yanling maakt het leuk met plaatjes en spelletjes bij de oefeningen. De tijd ging snel voorbij en het is een goede oefening voor mijn spreken. Ik heb nu met mijn buren een beetje Nederlands gesproken.”
>>> ”Translation: “I have done five lessons with Yanling. The lessons were wholly interactive and interesting. Yanling makes it interesting with pictures and games with the exercises. The time flew by fast and it is a good exercise for my speaking. I have now talked with my neighbors a little bit of Dutch.“
Tanya: “Dankzij Yanling begrijp ik Nederlands beter en voel ik me zelfverzekerder in het spreken. Als je je Nederlands wilt verbeteren, kan ik je Yanling ten zeerste aanbevelen.“
>>> Translation: “Because of Yanling I understand Dutch better and I feel more confident in speaking. If you want to improve your Dutch, I can highly recommend Yanling.“
Livia: “Our family moved to the Netherlands from Hungary a year ago and we needed Yanling’s help in increasing our 12-year-old daughter’s Dutch vocabulary and strengthening her conversational skills. Yanling was already very well-spoken amongst other expat parents. She is very trustworthy, precise and last but not least (this is coming from Nati) a great teacher for our teen-daugther.”
Sandra: “My child didn’t speak a word of English at first, didn’t dare to speak, and was more afraid of facing foreigners (we are oriental faces) until he was lucky to meet Teacher Yanling. Under the very careful and patient guidance of teacher Yanling, my child is gradually willing to speak English. This is really not easy! In addition, if you use video to teach, your child will focus more on the teacher’s teaching. Coupled with Yanling’s rich teaching experience, the child is no longer afraid to talk to foreigners, so I sincerely recommend Yanling to you!“
Sascha: “Yanling’s lessen zijn goed gestructureerd en gevarieerd. Ik was vooral geïnteresseerd in het verbeteren van mijn spraakvaardigheid: ik kan me in het Nederlands lang niet zo duidelijk uitdrukken als ik zou willen. Ik krijg dus veel oefeningen aangeboden waarin ik plaatjes verbaal moet beschrijven. De correctie van wat ik zeg vindt pas in de volgende les intensief plaats, zodat mijn spreekstroom niet voortdurend wordt onderbroken. Er is ook grammatica, natuurlijk, maar veel daarvan is in de vorm van kleine dobbelspelletjes, die leuk zijn. Yanling is een gewetensvolle en slimme leraar, en ondanks het tijdsverschil van enkele uren, begint elke les precies op tijd! Al met al voel ik me veel zekerder over mijn Nederlands en dat zal me goed van pas komen.“
>>> Translation: “Yanling’s classes are well structured and varied. I was especially interested in improving my speaking skills: I can’t express myself nearly as clearly in Dutch as I would like. So I am offered many exercises in which I have to describe pictures verbally. The correction of what I say is not done intensively until the next lesson so that my flow of speech is not constantly interrupted. There’s also grammar, of course, but a lot of it is in the form of little dice games, which are fun. Yanling is a conscientious and smart teacher, and despite the time difference of several hours, every lesson starts right on time! All in all, I feel much more confident about my Dutch and that will serve me well.”
Ishan (13): “Ik geniet echt van Nederlandse lessen omdat mevrouw erg aardig is en een enthousiaste lerares. Ze maakt lessen leuk en interactief, wat het leerproces aangenamer maakt.”
>>> Translation: “I really enjoy Dutch lessons because Madam is a very nice and enthusiastic teacher. She makes lessons fun and interactive, which makes the learning process more enjoyable.”
If you are interested to learn Dutch. I can help you.
My method is interactive learning, we do different exercises in each lesson.
Each lesson has a theme and one lesson takes 1 hour to complete.
The emphasis is on speaking. I will only talk Dutch in the lesson.
If your Dutch is at a very beginner’s level, I can speak English to explain if necessary.
If you are interested, you may contact me: yanny0808[at] for more information.
You can also book your lessons using one of the following platforms (please note the prices are set higher due to commission fees with the involvement of third parties):