This blog post is about the experiment I had using the Liaison Lash Bond eyelash serum. There are so many positive reviews about the effectiveness of this product that triggered my curiosity to test it out myself. I have used it for 20 weeks, making before and after pictures and some in-between pictures.
I bought it on the Liaison’s official website with a discount. The regular price is 49.99 USD and I bought it for 24.99 USD.
They often give discounts that basically you don’t need to pay the regular price if you just wait for the discount to come. Usually discounts appear around holidays or special days like Black Friday, Mother’s Day, etc, but also subscribing to their mailing list and receiving discounts when they announce them in the newsletter works.
I have the impression that they want to give as many people as possible the chance to use it.
One bottle lasts me for around 20 weeks, which is almost five months.
For the first six weeks, I just use it once a day on both my upper and lower eyelashes.
From week 7 to 20 I basically use it twice a day, morning and evening on both upper and lower lashes. So I used quite a bit but still manage to last for almost five months one bottle.
So I would say for the price, even the regular price of 49.99 USD, it’s still worth it for the duration of usage. Do note that this varies per person. Maybe my eyelashes are not that much, hence not much was needed.
Does it really work? Yes, it does!
The before and after pictures clearly show longer, somewhat fuller eyelashes.
Also what I noticed in the last weeks of usage, around week 14 or week 15 is that the eyelashes at the far corner of the eyes near the ears curl up and are longer than the rest.
I coloured the lines in red that are my “wrinkles”, this way it’s easier to compare the length of the lashes.

Pictures every month
What follows are the pictures I took every month (one month I calculate it as four weeks).

Before and after pictures
Here are some more before and after pictures to show the results.
As you can see the eyelashes are longer and fuller. Maybe in some angles, it is less visible, but you can see from the second set that also the lower eyelashes are longer.

They say it takes 3-4 months to see any results. I have to say it took a while for me as well, at least 2+ months to see some changes.
I still have two new Liaison bottles that I can and will use, but before opening a new bottle of Liaison, I will use the Japanese serum Angfa Scalp d beaute serum. I did a review about that lash serum, see this link. Before I left Japan I bought a new bottle. After finishing that bottle, I will continue with using Liaison.
If you fully stop using it, your lashes won’t get the nutrients it needs for full growth and the lashes will fall off quickly and cannot reach their full growth potential. That means you will have shorter, back to your normal lashes.
Even though the Japanese serum also works pretty well, it’s harder to get that product if you are not living in Japan. Liaison is cheaper and I find it easier with the shipment from the United States. Therefore Liaison will be the eyelash serum that I will continue using it.
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